So yesterday was my Birthday (my 20th WTH scary!), I had such a lovely chilled day and lovely present's too :)
I got up at 7.30am to open my presents then went back to bed for an hour (or two) I felt so rough (totm) then I got ready and went out with my Mum, didn't do much just went to a few places, then I came home and started getting ready for the evening. At 7pm we all went to Frankie & Benny's for a meal for my Birthday the people who came were, my Mum, Dad, Brother, Nan, Uncle Lance, Auntie Julie and Ryan my cousin (My granddad wasn't too well so stayed at home). I love Frankie & Benny's it's such a nice place to go to, we had a really nice meal and such a laugh, the only thing that did bring my day down a bit was the thing in which us girls have every month, which made me feel a bit down and horrible but I didn't let that wreck my day. Then we came home and had birthday cake. It was a really nice day.
I was going to add some pictures but I am really wary of sharing pictures of my family on here because I have heard of people stealing other people's photos and using them themselves which I think is creepy, So I'd rather not share pictures on here.

Aw happy belated birthday Chantelle, hope the celebrations are ongoing! X