I think it was about 2 months ago maybe less or maybe more I'm not entirely sure but I entered a give away on carlottasbeautyspot 's blog to win a bottle of the new St Tropez Dark, A few Blogger's where running these give away's (I also won a St Tropez mousse off of another Blog which I will be reviewing once I have tried it out), I was intrigued as I had never tried St Tropez before and I love a dark but natural tan so seeing this excited me. A few weeks after entering the give away Charlotte of Carlottasbeautyspot tweeted me saying that I was one of the winners, I sent her my details and told her which tan I would like to review (I had a choice between the lotion or spray I chose the lotion) then about 2 weeks after the tan arrived, I didn't try the tan straight away as I was finishing off my beloved Lauren's Way Tan which I love.

I tried the tan out last month and have been using it ever since. When I applied it for the first time I was nearly put off by how highly perfumed it was but after using it several times I have got use to the scent and don't find it a problem now. The lotion is tinted so you can see where you are putting it which is great I love tans that have this, it does apply really nicely, I use it on a mitt. The colour pay off is really natural and a really nice colour but once I've had a second shower of the day the colour tends to fade a lot which I do find with most tan's I have used anyway. To get a dark colour I would recommend 2 coats, It fades nicely and doesn't dry out the skin, I think it does include a lot of oil well it feels like it does anyway which is good as it keeps the skin moisturised and soft, the only problem I do have with this tan is that it doesn't seem to dry, I have been using Lauren's way tan for so long and that dries instantly, I could put my clothes straight on after applying that and go out to wherever I needed whereas the St Tropez I feel sticky and it doesn't seem to dry whatsoever until I have woke up the next morning and it's dry then but I still feel slightly icky.

I don't think I would personally purchase this Tan myself but only because of that it doesn't dry and the colour pay off is nice but isn't as dark as I would of liked within using one coat, I'm not sure if there is a tan which does give a pretty dark pay off after one coat but I don't really like applying two coats of tan unless I have to but other than that it is a lovely tan and I would recommend anyone to give it a go and see if you like it, for some people it may be perfect for some it may not but as they say you won't know if you don't try!
You can purchase the new St Tropez Dark range from Super drug and Boot's and also Online from sites such as FeelUnique. This St Tropez Lotion retails for around the £25 mark depending on where you purchase it from.
Let me know if you do try this lotion or if you do already have it and what are your thoughts do you love it or hate it?
A few weeks ago I was on Twitter and saw a retweet off of someone from a online jewellery company called celliana.com, the retweet said that the company where looking for bloggers who where interested in reviewing one of their products for them, I had a look at their website and then tweeted them saying I was interested, Their jewellery was so gorgeous how could I not of wanted to do a review for them. A lovely lady from the company got in touch with me and asked me to pick a item which I liked, It was so difficult as all of the pieces where so lovely but I found one bracelet which caught my eye so I contacted her back with the item which I loved. I received the Bracelet pack a couple of days after, I was so excited I could not wait to open the package, I opened it and fell in love straight away.

This bracelet I chose is called the 'Spiky Bracelet Pack' it is so on trend right now. The bracelet's can all be worn together or separately depending on which you prefer. The colour as you can see is a nice red, I am loving the colour red at the moment. This bracelet pack is really gorgeous but the only down fall is I do find the quality does seem a little cheap but not the cheap where they would snap or break. This bracelet to buy costs £15, I personally would not pay that much for this pack but that may just be my opinion, But overall I do like it a lot. here is the link to the pack which I was sent, I do recommend you take a look if you like jewellery as there are some very lovely pieces on their.
I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to have reviewed this bracelet pack for celliana.com and would like to thank the lovely lady who contacted me back.